color palette club

color palette club

Discovering the Benefits ​of Coloring Activities for ​Children

Coloring is a simple and enjoyable activity that not only does ​it keep children entertained, but it can also enhance their ​development. "Coloring in" is an excellent way for children to ​express themselves, develop their motor skills, and enjoy ​quality time with other family members. Additionally, it helps ​them to relax and unwind.

idea icon

Easy to use

The images feature an adorable ​animals and intricate details, and ​are one-sided.

Page Size

size for kids

Perfectly Sized for Small Hands!

Our large 8.5' x 11' format is ideal ​for the little ones to enjoy.

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for gift

For anyone who loves to drawing, ​this book makes a nice gift for ​ages 4 to 10 years.

About us

Color Palette Club

is a small yet independent ​publishing company

Established in early 2024, our primary objective ​is to create books that inspire children to ​engage in imaginative and artistic pursuits. Our ​publications cater to children's interests while ​also being enjoyable for parents to read.


What They Say About Coloring books:

five star rating

I happier when playing with ​unicorns and ponies. That's why ​my favorite book is the Pony ​coloring book – it combines two ​of my favorite things in the ​world!

Emily James

five star rating

My Favorite Book: Unicorn ​Coloring Book

If you love ponies and unicorns ​as much as I do, then you'll ​understand why the “Unicorn ​Coloring Book” is my absolute ​favorite!

Sophia Turner

five star rating

Expressing My Love for Playing ​with Ponies and Unicorns

Playing with ponies and unicorns ​is one of my favorite activities, ​which is why I absolutely adore ​the Unicorn coloring book.

Sarah Evans



How do coloring books help children?

Patience, Relaxation, and Self-Esteem – Coloring can help ​children learn the skill of patience. It allows them to be relaxed ​and comfortable while creating a piece of art. Through coloring, ​children can benefit from processing their feelings, frustrations ​and emotions.


Does coloring help learning?

Coloring improves hand-eye coordination, which is essential in ​learning to write letters. Kids learn about force with crayons. A ​mark can be light or very dark depending on the amount of ​pressure they use when they draw. Coloring can inspire creativity ​and build self-confidence.


What is the purpose of a coloring book?

In addition to helping young children develop fine motor skills ​(drawing, writing, cutting etc.) it can help them learn colors. It ​can also help children become interested in art and allows them ​to be creative. Also, coloring books have been found to be ​relaxing by both adults and children which can help reduce ​stress.


What is the objective of coloring for kids?

Between the grip of a coloring utensil (color pencils, crayons, ​etc.) and the drawing precision a child begins to develop over ​time, coloring is a great way to help children build fine motor ​skills and hand strength. In developing these muscles, you set ​your child up for improved writing skills and endurance


When should kids start coloring?

When Do Kids Start Coloring and Scribbling?

Break out those chunky crayons around the 1-year mark. Most ​toddlers are ready to start coloring and scribbling between 12 ​and 15 months, but like all things child-related, learning to draw is ​a process that happens in phases

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